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Urinary Metabolic Profile Test |
Urinary Metabolic Profile Test FAQ

1. Who should do this test?

Anyone who wants to fine tune their body for better function and performance can do the test. People who are sensitive to chemicals and concern about oxidative stress, can consider doing this test to alleviate their health concerns following the nutrient supplementation. In addition, women hoping for pregnancy can take the test to find out if there is any nutrient deficiency in them, since nutrient may lead to infertility.

2. How do I go about UMP testing?

You can enquire your practitioner for UMP testing, or purchase the home test kit from us and follow the instruction to collect the first-morning urine sample, and return it to us.
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Mon. - Fri. 10am - 7pm
Sat. 9am – 5pm
Sun. & Public Holidays Closed
We will send your sample direct to the US lab for testing. You will receive the results within two weeks.

3. Can this test tell me if I am insufficient to the certain nutrient, like I have vitamin B12 deficiency?

The Urinary Metabolic Profile can screen 36 types of metabolic marker. While levels of the organic acid markers are found too high or low, it reflects the body might be lacking lacks of certain nutrients. For example, when Methylmalonate is being too high or low in urine, it indicates the body needs vitamin B12. After knowing all 36 organic acid’s concentrations through the comprehensive urinary metabolic profile, we get a whole picture of what we are lacking of. So this test is able to tell if a person is insufficient of particular nutrients.

4. Do I need a doctor’s prescription to have the UMP test done?

Doctor’s prescription is not required for the test.

5. Why use urine as the testing sample?

You can find organic acids test using blood or urine in the market. Yet in general, it is better to use urine than blood in organic acids test for a more effective and clearer result, because many organic acids (and the metabolites) occur in detectable amounts only in urine. Solely testing one organic acid marker already need a substantial amount of blood; to screen 36 organic acid markers altogether might require a much larger amount of blood. Hence, testing urine for organic acids is a better option. Moreover, the first morning specimen contains a higher level of analytes, and midstream specimen can avoid the incidence of cellular and microbial contamination, that is the reason why we request the next day morning midstream urine specimen as the sampling urine specimen.

6. What is the difference between UMP and EPP test?

Although both tests are using urine as the specimen, the analytes are not completely the same. EPP analysis harmful chemical to find out if the metabolic cycle is affected by the environmental pollutant accumulated in the body. UMP analyzes the metabolic pathways function by the organic acids markers. In short, EPP is to test chemical toxins in the body, and UMP is to test the metabolic pathway efficiency. You can perform two tests together to have a whole picture of hidden stressors affecting metabolic pathways.

7. I have followed your instruction to collect my urine, how come it is rejected from being analyzed?

Normally, the urine sample will rehydrate when it delivered to the laboratories. And then laboratories will analyze the Creatinine concentration in the urine eluted from the strip. When the concentration is lower than 0.5 mg/ml, it is unable to analyze other organic acid from that urine sample. So we will ask you to do the sampling again, and avoid excess fluid after evening meal.

8. How can I ensure the urine collected in the strips will not be contaminated during transit?

You should follow the instruction and place the sampled strip into the desiccant-containing kit as provided, seal it tightly and keep it at room temperature. A completely sealed kit can effectively prevent contamination and the dried strip can suppress the cellular and microbial activity. In additional, our revolutionary Dip N‘Dry collection strip produces more accurate test results. Comparison studies conducted between urine sample collected using Dip N‘Dry collection strips and those in liquid form showed higher stability.

9. What should I avoid before sampling?

You need to avoid the following foods & products for 48 hours prior to urine collection:
Medications: Antidepressant and Parkinson’s drugs.
Beverages: Alcoholic beverages, Tea, Coffee.
Seeds/ Nuts: Walnut, Pecans.
Vegetables/ Fruits/ Juices: Avocado, Tomato, Banana, Grapes/ Raisins, Kiwi, Pineapple, Plantain, Plums/ Prunes.
Other: Ages and Processed Cheeses, Jello-O, Vanilla Extract, Ketchup, Foods contain Benzoic Acids (benzoate) and Sorbic Acid (Sorbate) preservatives, such as canned foods, flavored drinks, baked goods, processed cheese slices and spreads, salad dressings, and mayonnaise.

10. Will it affect the result if I had taken aspirin or some other over-the-counter drug?

Theoretically, it will not affect the result if you took these medications beyond 48 hours prior to urine sampling. Even if you have taken these medications within 48 hours, the report will point out the abnormal marker that could possibly be interfered by drugs. Your health consultant will mention the possible drug interference when going through the test result with you.

11. I saw some non-invasive liposuction like Cryolipolysis rely on metabolism to reduce redundant fat. Are these treatments affect the test result?

Until now, scientists had proven the Cryolipolysis can thinner the fat layer, yet the mechanism is still unclear. The recent research finds Cryloipolysis will not affect the serum lipid levels and liver function, state that the fat might not use up in metabolism as energy production. Furthermore, the body may not be accustomed/trained to use fat to produce energy as fat is not the main source of energy production, unless one had follow a strict diet and exercise to limit other energy source and boost up the total calories to force body consume more fat as energy source, please enquire your health consultant about this aspect.

12. Can I collect my urine sample if I am in menstruation?

Please avoid sample collection during menstruation. Menstruation itself does not affect the test result but the blood traces in urine will contaminate the specimen quality.

13. Can my kids take this UMP test?

Yes, this UMP test is suitable for adults and children above 2 years of age. And the report reference range will change accordingly due to different gender and age.

14. What information will the UMP report provide?

The report will clearly show, in bar chart format, your organic acid markers levels towards the 8 pathways of metabolic. You will also receive a comprehensive LabAssist™ Report, which included details on the organic acids, a customized detoxification protocol and nutritional support program to optimize your chances of achieving balance and overall health. You can consult your health consultant for the source of getting the suggested nutrient supplementation.

15. Do I need doctor’s prescription to buy the suggested supplement?

You can buy the entire supplement over the counter from some personal care stores, health supplement specialty store or some wellness centres. Some nutrients are also abundant in foods too.

16. My report suggests I take certain amount of supplements regularly, is the portion of report is safe?

Beside LabAssist™ Report provide customized detoxification, it also listed the supplementation repeated times. In general, follow the suggested dose is not harmful to the body. Please consult your healthcare professional first if you want to change the dose of supplementation and the diet.

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