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Understanding Food Allergy

What are Allergies?

‧ Allergic people have excessive responses to something in their environment ‧ Certain foods, pollens, animal dander, molds, yeasts, and bacteria, as well as many chemicals, are the most commonly recognized allergens ‧Allergens stimulate our immune system into action, and give rise to allergic (or hypersensitivity) reactions

The Relationship between Food Allergy and Health

‧Many common symptoms and the allergies that caused them may go unrecognized for years ‧Allergy, increased stress, recurrent infections or declining health may add to the burden of chronic allergies. Arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders, autoimmune disease, eczema, and migraines can develop into chronic conditions ‧Discover and remove the offending allergens from the diet helps lessen the serious conditions linked with food allergies

Who has allergies?

Conservative estimates imply that as many as 25 percent of the population have significant allergies to some types of foods, chemicals, or inhalants. The true incidence of allergy and intolerance may be considerably higher if we include the less dramatic symptoms of occasional anxiety, joint aches, generalized fatigue, and water retention as well.

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