Testimonials from Doctors and Patients


Elizabeth (3.6 years old)

“My baby developed eczema very soon after birth and this became very severe when she was just a few months old. She was brought to several doctors with no improvement. When I saw her at the age of 1 year old, she was covered with eczematous lesion from head to toes with obvious cracks and bleeding from the flexures of both upper and lower limbs. And she scratches her body throughout the day and night and it was impossible for the lesions to heal despite all the medications given to her. After she done the Allergy Food Check test, she result demonstrated extreme reaction to most fish but strangely un-reactive to the traditionally recognized allergic food such as crab, lobster and shrimp. With this result it was obvious to me why my baby could not improve as we were feeding her fish on a daily basis. Over the next few months she registered extremely gratifying improvement with the removal of fish from his diet.”

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