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Food Allergy Test

Technology Competency

ELISA - A Reliable Technology that We Employ - Duplicate Testing with High Accuracy

‧ ELISA measures IgE and IgG antibodies which are detected in your blood, thereby, to find out the influence of allergy food in our body
  • Testing process will be repeated twice for each sample, in order to achieve the highest degree of accuracy
  • A research done by Sweden says, HK BioTek is using the highest accuracy technology in food allergy test, also the technology is the highest in sensitivity and it is the only testing with reproducible results

How to choose a reliable testing service provider?

According to Doctor of Medical Science Dr. Nina Pierpont (2009), a real gold standard of science should be involved both carefully observation and precise measurement and resulted in having same result after all, in other words - REPRODUCIBILITY. This means the sample goes through the test repeatedly and validates the result in the hope of assuring the accuracy of the result (Byrd, D. et al., 2000).
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In the time of choosing a reliable testing service provider, you are recommended to consult the service provider or surf on the Internet to enquire related information on the reproducibility of the test a particular service provider is being provided.

Every ELISA test assessed by the US BioTek Laboratories, offered by HK BioTek Ltd. have been tested twice to make sure the accuracy. The whole process of each assessment goes through the fully automated robotic systems in order to maximize the accuracy of the test result. According to an independent research conducted in Sweden, the research has compared the IgG test services’ accuracy and sensitivity of the 5 chosen laboratory testing companies around the globe. The research found out test HK BioTek carries is the most trustworthy that able to achieve ‘reproducibility’ result.

hk biotek, food allergy, allergy test, food allergy test, allergy symptoms, allergic reaction
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