Testing Principle

The latest technologies in laboratory medicine are now able to measure, from small blood samples, our immune system response to 96 foods. The actual levels of IgE and IgG antibodies against these individual allergens can be precisely measured. The US BioTek Laboratories allergy test will help you discover with ease what you need to avoid or what you can include in your diet to minimize allergic reactions and strengthen your immune system.

The Tests Available in the Market

There are many kinds of allergy tests in the market, but the most commonly employed tests are skin test and blood test.
Skin Test – inject food proteins into the skin and observe the redness and itchiness resulted, can indicate the immediate (IgE) reaction
Blood Test – draw blood from the body for the analysis of food-specific antibody levels, can indicate both immediate (IgE) and delayed (IgG) reaction
If you are interested in more details of the comparison between different tests, please click the button below.
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