Pure Chlorella+CVE™ |

It is ideal to maintain a balance weakly alkaline body pH. Poor dietary decisions and chemical stimulation cause our blood to become overly acidic. All diseases start, live and thrive in an acidic environment and do not live well in an alkaline environment. Medical doctors in Japan has tested the blood sample from 100 cancer patients and linked the incidence of cancers to their low body pH. Alkalizing our system becomes our first defense to disease prevention. Chlorella is very alkalizing to our systems, helping to restore the acidic pH body pH and acts as the counter-balance to living in today's acidic world.

Scientists have discovered that the polysaccharides membrane and chlorophyll of Chlorella help to sweep large amounts of toxins, e.g. dioxins, mercury, PCBs and heavy metals, out of our body. Televisions, microwave ovens, computers, cell phones, phtocopiers and nuclear energy for industrial and military use expose our body to radiations in our daily lives. Prolonged exposure to radiation is linked to the development of cancers.。Just like it does to toxic heavy metals, Chlorella binds to radioactive particles and literally flushes them out of the body.

Chlorophyll boosts a supply of oxygen-rich blood for more youthful metabolism. CK-strains is a species of Chlorella with extremely thin cell-walls to facilitate better absorption in human body. It helps to increase bowel movement frequencies and toal feces amount, restoring regularity in patients of chronic constiaption.

CVE: Chlorella Vulgaris Extract™ is the precious Chlorella growth factor that strengthens our immune system by mobilizing defenses and boosting anti-viral and anti-tumor activities. Chlorella is proven to reduce body-fat percentage and blood glucose levels. It corrects any unbalanced diet and prevents a list of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, obesity, cancers or heart diseases.

CVE™ is loaded with a balanced profile of amino acids. All of which build proteins and collagen. They contribute to restructure and smoothe utour skin surface, bringing back the youthful glow of the skin. Chlorella’s high nucleic acid content (DNA & RNA) is a longevity factor that gives strength to repair and keep our cell active to fight against the free radicals that causes aging.

Chlorella Vulgaris contains 25% of CVE™ and 5x more chlorophyll than spirulina. Chlorella is packed with 56-60% phyto-protein with 18 amino acids, including 8 essential amino acids. Besides, it carries 16 types of vitamins and 14 types of minerals. It also has the most absorbable form of Vit B-12; and a good source of dietary fiber and carotenoids.

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