作者: 李德瑩, 實習營養師

White rice is made up with two different starches, digestible polysaccharides (starch) and resistant starch (takes a long time to digest and isn't converted into simple sugars). Rice is an excellent food source; low in fat and high in starchy carbohydrate. It contains rich vitamins and minerals, and provides an excellent source of vitamins B (thiamin, niacin), vitamin E, protein, and minerals (especially potassium).
Researchers in Sri Lanka found that the amount of starches and calories of white rice can be reduced by adding about 3% of its weight of coconut oil while cooking. Oil added interacts with the starches in the rice to convert them to resistant starch, and therefore reduce the amount of calories in rice. After cooking, it should be cooled in the refrigerator for 12 hours, which further changes its composition.
The scientist hope that this cooking method will help lower down obesity rates around the world; although this method may lower on the glycemic index and reduce calories by 50% to 60%, the reduction in calories depends on the type of rice used. More research needs to be done on this method, especially the pros and cons of coconut oil to our health. Coconut oil can burn fat by increasing 5% of energy expenditure. However, the saturated fat in coconut oil may raise the¬¬¬ bad cholesterol level in blood, which increase the risk of suffering from heart diseases. Lastly, people who are allergic to coconut should not try this cooking method.
Author: Chloe Lee
HK BioTek Ltd. Nutritionist Intern

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