《廚房醫學》 梁淑芳醫生 — 兒科醫生、醫學博士
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《原味料理全圖解》 喻碧芳女士
台灣的健康養生風氣十分盛行,有關健康的書籍也是多不勝數。喻老師是台灣健康飲食界的知名人物,曾策劃不同飲食展覽,於不同的組織機構教導健康烹飪班。近十多年來不斷充實自然療法、養生、排毒新知,並持續推廣「低溫烹調」,以飲食管理健康。此書的特別之處,乃針對延遲性食物過敏設計的食譜。喻老師運用過敏的理論,指出牛奶、雞蛋及小麥是台灣人體質中常見的致敏原。 書中提出的無敏食譜有:酸辣義大利米麵條、米香米麵包、南瓜小米批、小米南瓜鬆餅等。

Reading food labels carefully helps to avoid your food allergens. In addition, cooking your own food is another good rule to ensure your food do not make you sick anymore. This may not sound difficult to who cooks a lot; but for those we only cook occasionally, this could be a problem hinders the road to an allergen-free life. We hope the following books help!
“Kitchen Medicine” Dr. Sophie Leung
Pediatrician, Doctor of Medicine
Dr. Leung has been very committed in research on children’s growth and nutrition. Dr Leung, is moving her arena from her clinic to the kitchen, trying to use food as our drug, putting the Chinese traditional thinking of medicinal food into practice. The book points out that, by having a healthy diet, illnesses from eczema to chronic diseases like diabetes and cancers, can be under our control. Dr. Leung uses the concept of delayed food allergies, with the result of latest scientific research on healthy eating, pointing out the downsides of eating cultures nowadays, with recommendations to make a change.
Dr Leung has created a 21-day recipe. The recipes is vegetarian, has no milk, eggs and wheat. Recipes are so informative that come with meals breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack ideas. This book works on the theory of healthy eating plus the insights that help us to put the theories into practice.
Where to buy? Call 27631488 to order with us. All revenue will be donated to "The Hong Kong Preventive Medicine Association" and "Health and Cancer Prevention Society".

“Real Taste of Cooking” Ms. Yu Bi-fang
Health eating culture is very popular in Taiwan, you will see numerous health-related books in any bookstores. Ms. Yu is a well-known figure in the healthy food scene in Taiwan. She is very experienced in curating food exhibitions and hosting healthy cooking classes for different organizations. Over the past decade, she continues enriching herself with natural therapies, health concepts and knowledge on detoxification. She is so keen on promoting "low-temperature cooking" as a way to help managing your health. This book is remarkable as one of its chapters is designed with delayed food allergy concepts in mind. Ms. Yu illustrates the allergy theories and points out that milk, eggs and wheat are the most common allergens among Taiwanese.
Allergen-free recipes in this book: Hot & sour Italian rice noodles, Rice bread, Pie and muffin made from millet and pumpkin.
Where to buy? Commercial Press bookstores

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