地區 | 香港 | 中國內地 |
頭五位最常見導致延遲性過敏的食物 |
1. 雞蛋
2. 牛奶
3. 麥類
4. 蠔
5. 雲哩拿豆 |
1. 雞蛋
2. 牛奶
3. 蟹
4. 蝦
5. 小麥 |

Quinoa (pronounced ‘keen-wah’), known as the “queen of grains”, is actually a seed. It cooks up slightly crunchy with a mild nutty flavor. Some people eat it like white rice, yet it has way more nutrients. It contains all of the nine essential amino acids, making it a perfect source of protein, especially for vegetarian. It is also packed with fibre which helps lower and control blood cholesterol, omega-3 unsaturated fats which help reduce risk of heart diseases, and other nutrients such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B complex and E. Quinoa is a versatile and easy-to-prepare ingredient that can be even added to your salads. For those who haven’t already tasted quinoa, you must try this salad recipe and you will realize you don’t have to compromise on taste for health!

In order to find out the trend of Delated Food Allergy in Hong Kong, HK BioTek Limited had revised and analyzed data from the past 10 year studies in 2014. Based on the testing records in the last decade (2004-2013), 2920 reports had been randomly selected for the research. By stressing on the analysis of data in 2005, 2009 and 2013, researcher found out that most of people with food allergy are sensitive on egg (71.94%), dairy products (65.25%) and wheat (37.42%). Besides, referring to a meta-analysis study which done by medical schools in China, result shows that egg, dairy and wheat are investigated as the top 5 most common delayed food allergens in the Chinese population. Obviously, allergic problems (common with egg, dairy and wheat) are happening in both regions.
Regions | HONG KONG | CHINA |
Top 5 items in causing delayed food allergy |
1. Egg
2. Dairy
3. Wheat
4. Oyster
5. Vanilla bean |
1. Egg
2. Dairy
3. Crab
4. Shrimp
5. Wheat |
Table 1. The most common delayed food allergens in Hong Kong and China
Symptoms of delayed food allergy are diverse, ranging from eczema, diarrhea, headache and allergic rhinitis. Taking data from 2013 as an example, allergy caused symptoms are mainly localized on skin (71%), followed by respiratory system (10%) and then digestive system (6%). Among skin problems, eczema accounts for 44% cases. These data and symptoms have showed the high prevalence of delayed food allergy.
On the other hand, Ms. Yolanda Che from the local organic industry notes that allergen-free foods is getting more and more popular both globally and locally, reflecting the increase in the number of allergy sufferers in the society. With the high popularity of avoiding food allergens to soothe chronic symptoms in Europe and USA, manufacturers actively develop new allergen-free products, making these products to have similar tastes and textures as the ordinary foods.
After the conference, guests had tasted dishes including quinoa tomato rice, beetroot salad and mushroom pasta with diary-free cream. Participants were very pleased by receiving the latest information on food allergy in the activity, but also the allergen-free dishes.

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