1. 食物過敏
2. 消化不良
3. 便秘
4. 天氣改變
5. 血液中有毒素
6. 壓力
1. 排清毒素和刺激平衡的免疫力
2. 鹼性飲食
3. 避開致敏食物
4. 對抗發炎
Christy Ngor博士
ND, B. Sc (Nutrition)
註冊自然療法博士 (ANMCB) (License No:80922)
撰文:Organic Mama Ltd.
翻譯:HK BioTek Ltd.

Are you suffering from Allergies problem e.g. Eczema, Asthma?
Do you know the side effects of long term application of sterol?
Comment causes of Eczema:
1. Food Allergies
2. Improper Digestion
3. Constipation
4. Weather Changes
5. Blood Toxicity
6. Stress
What Naturopathic Therapies (No Harms, No Side effects) will be used in treating Eczema?
1. Eliminate toxins and stimulate a balanced immunity
2. Alkaline diet
3. Avoid the allergy food
4. Anti-inflammation
How can I find out the Allergies in just a few minutes?
Bioscan Body check is the latest and fastest technology to find out one’s allergies. It is designed to accurately calculate and to measure the allergy factors and body discomfort in just a few minutes.
Dr. Christy Ngor
ND, B. Sc (Nutrition)
Certified Naturopathic Doctor (ANMCB) (License No:80922)
Professional Clinical Nutritionist
Chinese version is provided by HK BioTek Ltd. In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

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