愈來愈多證據顯示,基因遺傳是造成肥胖的主要原因之一。只要父母中有一位是肥胖者,其子女的肥胖率為40-50%;雙親皆為肥胖者,其子女的肥胖率為70-80%。醫學專家於1995年發現肥胖基因(Ob gene)。它負責掌管人體內由脂肪細胞製造的荷爾蒙Leptin。Leptin產生後經由血液循環到腦部,藉以調節食物的攝取和能量的消耗。當Leptin在血液中的濃度較低,人便容易進食過量,引致脂肪堆積,最後體重上升造成肥胖。
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Chinese people always think that children need to "grow" so eating more is not a problem. In fact, childhood weight control is vitally important. In fact, children being obese or not are affected by both congenital and acquired factors. Congenital one is affected when mother’s diet during pregnancy and individual genetic inheritance, and acquired factors are diet and exercise habits.
Obesity is genetically determined?
More and more evidence suggests that genetic inheritance is one of the main causes of obesity. As long as one parent is obese, their children's obesity rate is 40-50%; parents are both obese, their children's obesity rate is 70-80%. Medical experts found that obesity gene (Ob gene) in 1995. It is responsible of a human hormone, Leptin, production by fat cells. Leptin produced enters the circulation to the brain in order to regulate food intake and energy consumption. When leptin concentration in the blood is low, people tend to eat excessively resulting in the accumulation of fat and eventually weight gain or even obesity.
More fat cells makes weight loss more difficult?
The formation of fat cells is closely related to obesity. The larger the number of fat cells, the greater the volume of the cells, the more likely the individual to be obese. Once the fat cell count increases, it is irreversible. The only way to lose weight is to shrink the fat cell volumes. Studies have shown that if the children is obese before the age of 12, their adulthood obesity rate of about 86-88% while that of their normal-weighted counterparts is about 18-42%. Therefore, weight control should start in early childhood. Otherwise, it will take more time and effort to lose weight in the future. Also, obesity-induced high blood pressure, diabetes, fatty liver, coronary heart disease and other chronic diseases will influence their lifelong quality of life.
Eating out of control?
Common snacks such as sausage, candy, chocolate, dumplings, cookies, etc. are all high-sugar and high-fat. Excessive ingestion of them definitely causes obesity. For example, eating ten pieces, 40-50 kcal per pieces, of cookies daily can gain a pound of weight after a week and 52 pounds after a year. In fact, parents should choose high-fibre low-calorie snacks for their kids. Fruits, small carrot, cherry tomato is good high-fiber options. As an ice cream replacement, the energy content of low-fat frozen yogurt is one-fold-lower; as a soda replacement, the energy content of high-calcium soy milk is one-fold-lower but it possesses more calcium and less sugar. A good eating habit should be trained up as early as possible in childhood.
According to the statistics published by the Department of Health, there are now more than 21% of students belonging to overweight. Parents should train their children to have a balanced diet and do regular exercise avoiding the increase in fat cells and excessive dieting for weight loss which affects the normal growth and development of their children. In case of any difficulty, you should consult a professional dietitian.
Written by MSL Nutritional Diet Centre, Registered Dietitian, Nancy Lam.
English version is provided by HK BioTek Ltd. In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

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