我們可以從4R方面入手處理,即Remove (移除), Replenish(補充), Replace (置換) 及 Reinnopolate(修復)。
Remove 即移除腸內惡菌,;Replenish 即是將益生菌回歸腸道,回復正常功能;Replace是置換酵素。原因是腸胃出現炎症後,胰臟分泌酵素功能降低,出現飽滯、胃氣等消化不良問題,故需置換酵素。Reinnopolate即修復腸道健康,方法是攝取胺基酸、奧米加-3、維他命等等。
總括而言,濕疹情況出現少於3個月的,不需要過分担心。曾經有一個案是一個三十多歲的人,從來都沒有濕疹,有一次因為吃了帶子就出現濕疹皮膚。原因有兩個:一、是他天生對帶子敏感;二、是帶子內有重金屬毒素。如果身體的重金屬已積聚至一定水平,當他吃了二至三個帶子時,過敏情況便馬上出現。其實身體某程度上是懂得自動排毒的,可能過了幾過星期後因為他喝多了水或去焗桑拿等, 問題便消失了。但由於他身體內已積聚了一定數量的毒素, 所以可能過了3個月或一年後相同的情況會再次出現。開始的時候不用太擔心,但長遠來說也是要正視的,因為身體內的毒素太多也會致癌的。當身體出現了一點問題時,就表示健康亮起了警號。濕疹是眼前的問題, 但30年後會怎樣呢? 我們應該要看遠一點。要切記最重要是找出「樽頸所在」(bottleneck),找出真正致病原因。而我眼中的三大主因就是: 一、腸漏(Lecky Gut);二、免疫系統失衡;三、毒素過多(Toxin Overload)。
黃太太的BB出世後不久就有濕疹,幾個月大已很嚴重,見了多位醫生也無改善。 一歲時蔓延至全身,特別是關節位,經常抓至出血,傷口很難癒合。後來做了敏感測試,發現原來是對魚有敏感,蝦蟹卻沒有問題。上一代的人都是憑經驗去戒口,通常都是針對蝦及蟹。但由於現今污染比較多,免疫系統受擾亂的情況比上一代更嚴重,因此如果盲目地憑經驗戒口是沒有幫助的,一定要找出樽頸所在才可對症下藥。

Last time, I mentioned the common approaches to deal with eczema and the relationship between eczema flare and gut health. This episode I will share with you, starting with intestinal health eczema treatment.
We can start from the 4R approach, namely ‘Remove’, ‘Replenish’, ‘Replace’ and ‘Reinnopolate’.
‘Remove’ means eliminating intestinal ‘evil’ bacteria; ‘Replenish’ means adding probiotic back to the gut, restoring normal function; ‘Replace’ means replacing enzyme, for which the reason is that after the intestinal inflammation occurs, pancreatic enzyme secretion function is decreased and gastroenterological problems like stagnation and stomach gas may occur. So enzyme replacement is needed. ‘Reinnopolate’ means repairing intestinal health by ingestion of amino acids, omega-3, vitamins and so on.
To find out what foods or substances exactly is causing leaky gut, you can do a food allergy test. By ferreting out the source and following strict food elimination diet based on the test results, the toxins accumulated in the body can be discharged and the bowel function can be restructured. Desirable effects can be seen after a period of time.
In conclusion, you don’t need to worry about the occurrences of eczema flare persisting less than three months. There was a case of a male patient in his 30s, who never suffered from eczema before. He has developed eczema after he ate scallop. There are two reasons: firstly, he was born with scallop allergy; secondly, the scallop he ate contained heavy metals. If the heavy metals in the body have accumulated to a certain level (possibly the threshold level), at which he ate two to three scallops, allergies will immediately appear. In fact, to a certain extent, our body is able to excrete toxins by themselves. Perhaps, after a couple weeks when he drink more water or go to saunas, his problem may then disappear. But because he accumulated a certain amount of toxins in the body, the same condition may appear again in three months or a year later. It is unnecessary to worry too much in the beginning, but you should face it up in the long run because too many toxins in the body could cause cancer. When a little problem shows up, it means a health warning lights up. Eczema is a problem of moment, but what will happen 30 years later? We should look a little further. The most important thing is to remember to identify the ‘bottleneck’, finding out the real cause of the disease. Three main reasons in my view: Firstly, leaky gut; secondly, imbalance of immune system; thirdly, toxin overload - having excessive toxins in our body.
Case Sharing
Shortly after the baby of Mrs. Wong was born, eczema appeared on the baby. At few months old, the baby’s situation had been very serious and no improvement was seen, even Mrs. Wong brought her baby to several doctors. At one years of age, eczematous skin spread all over the body of the baby, especially the joints positions. The baby often scratched itchy skin until bleeding wounds were resulted, which was difficult to heal. Then, the baby took an allergy test which found that the baby was allergic to fish, yet prawns and crabs were all fine. People of the last generation eliminate foods based on their experience, usually including shrimp and crab. However, due to the current pollution, the situation of immune system disturbance is more severe than the previous generation. So if your blindly empirical dieting is not helpful, you should find out where the bottlenecks is before the appropriate remedy can help.

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