低敏朱古力麵包 |
1. 1包450克無小麥無奶麵包粉
2. 7克酵母
3. 6湯匙朱古力粉
4. 3湯匙原蔗糖
5. 6湯匙燕麥片
6. 4湯匙橄欖油
7. 少許海鹽
8. 1茶匙醋
9. 2杯溫水
1. 用3/4杯溫水,放下酵母﹑糖﹑鹽
2. 待5分鐘至起泡
3. 加入橄欖油及醋(A)
4. 把朱古力粉﹑燕麥放於大碗攪,中間撥開(B)
5. 把(A)放進(B)中間,加其餘溫水
6. 攪拌5分鐘
7. 在模具內塗少許油
8. 把搓好的麵粉放於模型內,
9. 用保鮮紙或布蓋著兩小時,待麵粉脹大兩倍
10. 蒸20-30分鐘即成
番茄千島沙律醬 | |
1. 1/2腰果
2. 2湯匙檸檬汁
3. 1/4個洋蔥
4. 1湯匙蜜糖
5. 3個番茄
6. 2瓣蒜
7. 1/2茶匙海鹽
8. 1湯匙水
‘飲食配合濕疹治療’ – 粱淑芳醫生著

The traditional family dishes in southern China are usually free from cow milk, chicken eggs and wheat. The staple grain is white rice while the side dishes include seasonal vegetables and fruits, and rootstalks, beans and seeds that can be stored for period of time. Their cooking methods are indeed very simple, like steaming, pan-frying, stewing and so on. It does not need any recipe to have a full and nutritious meal. Nowadays, people in Hong Kong get used to Chinese-Western-crossover foods as well as heavily processed foods. Meanwhile, in order to meet the increasing demands from the public, there are more and more healthy or vegetarian recipes available on the market, from which every housewife can take as a reference and choose or amend with cautions according to personal need.

Hypoallergenic Chocolate Bun (Free from wheat, egg and milk) |
1. 1 pack of 450gHomemade Wonderful Bread Mix
2. 7g yeast
3. 6 tbsp Cocoa powder
4. 3 tbsp Caster Sugar
5. 6 tbsp Oatmeal
6. 4 tbsp Olive Oil
7. A little bit Sea Salt
8. 1 tsp Vinegar
9. 2 cups Room Temperature Water
1. Add yeast, caster sugar and salt into 3/4 cup of warm water.
2. Leave it for 5 mins till bebbles appear.
3. Add olive oil and vinegar in.
4. Stir the bread mix, cocoa powder and oatmeal in a bowl.
5. Pour in the mixture made in step (1). Add 1 1/4 cup of warm water in.
6. Stir to mix for 5 mins till a dough is formed.
7. Grease the cake tin, put the dough in.
8. Cover the dough with cling film and towel for 2 hours till dough become 2 times bigger.
9. Steam the dough in a cake tin for 20-30 mins.

Hypoallergenic Chocolate Bun (Free from wheat, egg and milk) |
1. 1/2cup Cashew Nut
2. 2 tbsp Lemon Juice
3. 1/4 Onion
4. 1 tbsp Honey
5. 3 Tomatoes
6. 1/8 Garlic
7. 1/2 tsp Sea Salt
8. 1 tbsp Water
Blend all the ingredients until smooth. Then, it is ready to serve.
Sophie Leung Suk Fong, M.D., ‘飲食配合濕疹治療’, published by Hong Kong Preventive Medicine Association, Sept 2013.

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