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Click and View 現在,越來越多廣告以鋪天蓋地的形式推銷高劑量的維他命C去對抗感冒。不過,你又有否想過究竟這是一個事實,還是只是一個市場推廣的手段?

事實上,在患上感冒的次數﹑感冒的嚴重程度和感冒持續時間的問題上,維他命C的藥理學功效差不多被一些科學家完全駁回。他們發現高劑量的維他命C (1g/day) 不比普通劑量的維他命C (50mg/day) 更能保護我們免受感冒的威脅。再者,研究在患上感冒的次數﹑感冒的嚴重程度和感冒的持續時間因素上 ,看不見這兩組人當中有任何明顯的分別。因此,他們得出一個共識,高劑量的維生素C看來極其量對感冒只有輕微的預防和治療的作用。

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There are more and more advertisements in Hong Kong in an overwhelming manner promoting the concept that taking a large dose of vitamin C can fight against cold. But do you think about whether it is a true story or just a marketing strategy?

In fact, the possible pharmacological effects of vitamin C on the incidence, severity, and the duration of the common cold have been almost refuted by some scientific investigators. They found that vitamin C dosage as high as 1g a day does not show any effect in protecting against or combating the common cold than 50mg a day. Furthermore, there is no significant difference between these two groups observed with regard to the incidence, severity or duration of colds. Thus, they come to a conclusion that high does of vitamin C appear to be only weakly prophylactic, if any, and to be of little or no use for treating colds.

Click and View On the other hand, however, some reported a decrease in duration of cold episodes and the severity of symptoms with vitamin C supplementation. In their points of view, vitamin C is thought to moderate colds by enhancing many immune cell functions and destroying histamine which triggers many cold symptoms.

Indeed, it is too preliminary to make final conclusion now. But how we can better utilize the information on our hand is to maintain a balance between the benefits and drawbacks of vitamin C.

In next part, how to maintain this balance will be discussed in more details with the backup of some data. Also, some tips of consuming vitamin C will be given.

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