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睡眠不足是都市生活的普遍現象。根據美國本土的一項調查,美國痴肥人口於一九九一至二零零一年間急速上升; 而同時間,睡眠不足六小時的人口亦飛快增加。這顯示可能在睡眠不足和痴肥之間有所連繫。

事實上,嚴重的短期睡眠不足和輕微的長期睡眠不足有相似的即時後果。首先,饑餓荷爾蒙(腦腸肽)分泌增加; 飽足荷爾蒙(消瘦激素)分泌減少,這情況最快可以在兩晚「通宵」之後出現。這會刺激大腦去增加食量。當能量吸收多於能量消耗,身體便會製造脂肪,因此體重上升。其次,壓力荷爾蒙(皮質醇)分泌增加,影響脂肪分佈,從而導致中央肥胖。第三,胰島素分泌減少和葡萄糖不耐受會出現。後兩種改變會增加患二型糖尿病的風險。此外,睡眠不足還會其他很多生理上的影響。




According to an epidemiological study in USA, the obese population in USA increased dramatically from 1991 to 2001, while another study indicated that the number of Americans sleeping less than 6 hours in average increased significantly. This revealed the association between sleep deprivation and obesity or overweight.

Acute short term sleep loss and prolonged sleep deprivation have similar instant outcomes. Firstly, the release of a hunger hormone (Gherlin) in human body increases while that of a satiety hormone (Leptin) decreases significantly as soon as two nights of sleep loss, sensing our brain to enhance food intake. When energy intake is larger than energy expenditure, the positive energy balance leads to overweight or even obesity. Secondly, more stress hormone (Cortisol) will be secreted, leading to accumulation of abdominal fat. Thirdly, reduced production of insulin and glucose intolerance will also be seen when sleep deprived. The last two factors in turn increase the risk of acquiring type II diabetes mellitus. Yet a number of other physiological changes will also be caused if you do not get enough sleep.

A complete sleep will allow you to be recovered from the physiological changes brought by acute short term sleep. However, that of long-term sleep deprivation cannot be reversed or compensated by sleeping.

But please do not get us wrong. We are not telling you to sleep as much as possible to save yourself from being overweight. In general, an optimal sleep is 8 hours for adult adults and 10 hours for children. Besides sleep duration, sleep quality also plays a role. A research study indicated that discontinuous sleep brings similar physiological changes as that of sleep deprivation.

All in all, sufficient sleeping duration together with good sleeping quality, diet control and regular exercise are good means to tackle and prevent obesity.

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