可選擇由大米或粟米而成之糧食, 例如米脆片或粟米片早餐、紅米、米線、河粉、粉絲、蕎麥麵、以及用無麩質麵粉而成之麵包和蛋糕。要注意無小麥成份並不代表無麩質,因為產品可能含有大麥、燕麥和黑麥等,一樣有可能含有麩質成份。只需在日常烹調時改變主食便可,肉類、醬汁、湯底和蔬菜等等皆不需改變。

大多兒童都喜歡油炸食物的口感, 尤其喜歡油炸的魚手指和雞塊等等。可是油炸食物的炸漿一般含有小麥粉,也會吸收大量油分。較健康的選擇為用焗爐烹調食物,及選擇無麩質麵粉。

1. 預熱焗爐至 190°C/375°F。用軟化植物油塗抹一中圓形焗盤。蘋果去皮去芯,切成小塊(大概1cm方塊)。蘋果放進平底鑊加1湯匙砂糖和少許水,以低火煮5分鐘至金黃色,再放進焗盤。加入餘下的砂糖及玉桂粉輕輕攪拌。
2. 把金寶材料放進大碗以手指拌勻。把金寶加在蘋果上,放進已預熱之焗爐焗30分鐘或至金寶呈金黃色、蘋果變軟為止。 * 亦可加入蜜桃或果醬以達至理想效果。

Choose from rice or corn-based cereals such as rice crisp, cornflake breakfast cereals, brown rice, rice vermicelli, flat-rice noodles (Ho-fan), mung bean vermicelli (Fan-see), rice pasta, buckwheat noodles, bread and cakes made with gluten-free flour. Noted that wheat-free does not mean gluten-free, since the product may contain barley, oat or rye etc which contain gluten. Simply cooperate gluten-free cereal varieties into the daily cooking, the sauces, soup base, meat and vegetables do not need to be changed.

A lot of children love crispy textures. Fried foods such as chicken nuggets and fish sticks are popular among them. Frying batter contains wheat flour and it also absorbs excessive oil. A healthier option is to oven-baked or roasted with adaptation of recipes using gluten-free flour.

Breads and biscuits are convenient hand-held foods for children which can be easily packed in bags. Baking at home is a great idea to take control over the ingredients especially when the child has multiple allergies. For example, a basic sliced loaf can turn into different sandwiches, French toasts, croutons and bread pudding.

The following snack is free from gluten, egg, soy and dairy. Rice flour can be found in large supermarket. Polenta, gluten-free oats and buckwheat flour can be used as alternatives to rice flour.
1. Preheat oven to 190°C/375°F. Grease a medium sized round baking or casserole dish. Peel, core and chop apples into small pieces (E.g. 1 cm cubes). Put the apples into a pan with 1 tablespoon of sugar and add a splash of water. Cook over a low heat for 5 minutes until browned and place in an ovenproof dish. Sprinkle the rest of the sugar and cinnamon over and toss well.
2. Combine crumble ingredients and rub together with fingers. Sprinkle crumble over apples and bake, in preheated oven for 30min or until crumble is golden and apple is softened. * Top it with juicy peaches or moisten it with fruit jam as desired.

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