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上期談及多吃深海魚的益處,但我們往往會因深海魚的水銀含量高而卻步,那我們應如何選擇深海魚及究竟吃多少才能獲得其好處,又可避免攝取過量水銀呢? 以下『燈』可供各位精明消費者在選購深海魚時作參考。

』燈 Red light 』燈 Green light
劍魚 Swordfish 三文魚 Salmon
鯊魚 Shark 沙甸魚 Sardine
馬頭魚 / 方頭魚 Tilefish 鯖魚(大西洋) Atlantic Mackerel
旗魚 Marlin 鰈魚 Flounder
大眼吞拿魚 Big-eye Tuna 鱈魚 Pollock
藍鰭吞拿魚 Bluefin Tuna 虹鱒魚 Rainbow Trout
大鯖魚 / 鮫魚 King Mackerel 鯡魚 Herring
資料來源: 食物安全中心、美國食物及藥物管理局、加拿大卑詩省衛生廳
Source: Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety, US FDA, British Columbia Ministry of Health


上述『』燈組別的魚,總水銀含量平均值較高(表二),因此不宜經常食用。聯合國糧食及農業組織 / 世界衞生組織聯合食品添加劑專家委員會於二零零三年訂定水銀的安全攝入量,即暫定每周可容忍攝入量為每公斤體重1.6微克。以體重60公斤的成年人為例,一周內吃3安士(85克, 約一隻掌心大小)馬頭魚,已超出容忍攝取量的30%。而由於水銀對孕婦、計劃懷孕的婦女和幼童的影響較大,所以應避免選吃此類水銀含量可能較高的魚類。


Average mercury level
(微克/公斤, μg/kg)
Omega-3 content
(克/3安士, gram/3 ounces)
Fish with high mercury level
劍魚 Swordfish 970 - 1820 0.97
鯊魚 Shark 540 - 1500 0.83
馬頭魚 / 方頭魚 Tilefish 1450 0.90
旗魚 Marlin 1100 - 1430 -
大眼吞拿魚 Big-eye Tuna 639 - 740 1.36
藍鰭吞拿魚 Bluefin Tuna 730 1.17 - 1.50
大鯖魚 / 鮫魚 King Mackerel 730 0.36
Fish with lower mercury level
三文魚 Salmon 10 1.10 - 1.90
沙甸魚 Sardine 13 1.30 - 2.00
鯖魚(大西洋) Atlantic Mackerel 50 1.10 - 1.70
鰈魚 Flounder 50 0.48
鱈魚 Pollock 60 0.45
虹鱒魚 Rainbow Trout 70 0.84 - 0.98
鯡魚 Herring 80 1.70
資料來源: 食物安全中心、美國食物及藥物管理局、美國心臟學會
Source: Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety, US FDA, American Heart Association

We talked about the pros of eating deep sea fish in the last issue, but we often avoid eating deep sea fish due to its mercury level. So how should we choose which deep sea fish, and how much should we eat, as to benefit from its advantages without intaking excess intake of mercury? The table above can serve as a reference for every smart consumer when choosing deep sea fish.

The mercury level in fish depends on its species, age, foraging mode and habitat. Those which are older or in higher position of the food chain (fish larger in size) usually contains more mercury in their body.

Those listed in the ‘red light’ column are fish that contains higher average mercury level (Table 2), and should not be frequently consumed. The maximum safe intake level of mercury, set by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the WHO Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) in 2003, was set at 1.6 microgram per kg weight per week. For example, if an adult of 60kg body weight intake 3 ounces (85g, around size of a palm) tilefish, the mercury level already exceeds the maximum safe level by 30%. As the impact of mercury is particularly susceptible to pregnant women, women preparing for pregnancy and infants, people falling in these groups should avoid eating fish that might contain high level of mercury.

Fish listed in the ‘green light’ column are those with lower average mercury level (Table 2), and can be consumed regularly and in varieties. The American Heart Association recommends weekly intake of deep sea fish for 2-3 times, 3 ounces each to meet the requirement of recommended intake of omega-3.

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