很多醫學研究証實,多吃深海魚有助減低患上心血管病的風險。專家更指出,每周如最少有三頓飯包含魚肉菜式,可減低慢性疾病的死亡率達25%。然而,很多魚都含水銀,常吃大量深海魚,便有機會攝取過量水銀,長遠可引致慢性中毒。那究竟深海魚是多吃有益,還是少吃為妙呢? 又究竟吃多少份量及吃那些品種才能既獲得其中的好處,又可避免攝取過量水銀?
吃魚可減低患慢性病的死亡風險,與其脂肪含量較牛肉和豬肉等紅肉低,及蘊含豐富奧米加-3脂肪酸有關。1安士(約28.4克)的魚肉含約1-3克脂肪,當中飽和脂肪只佔其總脂肪酸的25至30%(註: 飽和脂肪會增加人體內“壞”膽固醇,增加患心臟病的風險),相比紅肉一般飽和脂肪酸的含量可達50%或以上,大大降低日後患心血管病的機會。此外,奧米加-3脂肪酸如EPA具抗炎功效,可減低血管因發炎而堵塞的機會; 幫助膽固醇代謝,降低壞膽固醇的水平; 其中DHA則對腦及視網膜健康及發展有莫大裨益。

到底應多吃深海魚,還是少吃為妙呢? 請密切留意下一期會員通訊,我們將討論如何選擇深海魚及建議的攝取量。

It was clinically proven in a number of medical researches that eating deep sea fish can reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases. Experts have further stated that by eating fish three times a week, one can reduce the mortality due to chronic diseases by up to 25%. However, as mercury can be found in most fish, one risks excessive intake of mercury by eating too much deep sea fish, leading to chronic poisoning. So, is consuming deep sea fish helpful or harmful? Which types and in what amount of deep sea fish should we eat to maximize the benefits and avoid excessive intake of mercury?
Eating fish can reduce the death rate of chronic diseases which may be related to the fat content of fish, which is significantly lower than red meat, e.g. beef and pork, and its omega-3 fatty acids.

1 ounce (28.4grams) of fish contains roughly 1-3 grams of fat, of which only 25-30% are saturated fat (NB. Saturated fat can increase the ‘bad’ cholesterol level in our body and thus, increase the risk of coronary heart diseases), compared to up to 50% or more in other red meats, thereby reducing the risk of coronary heart diseases. Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids, such as EPA is anti-inflammatory, which can reduce the risk of blood vessel blockage caused by inflammatory; aid cholesterol metabolism and lower the ‘bad’ cholesterol level; while DHA is beneficial to the retina and brain’s health and development.
An independent US organization, GotMercury.Org, reported that the Tuna sushi samples found in Los Angeles contained mercury levels that were 80% higher than the FDA recommendation, with some samples not even suitable for human consumption, raising concerns amongst fish lovers. Mercury is an element that can be found naturally in soil, rocks and coal, and passes into water through Coal-fired power plants and other sources. Fishes take in mercury through eating planktons, and the mercury cannot be metabolized or removed in their body. Therefore, when the deep sea fish eat the small fishes, the mercury stored in the small fishes would be accumulated in the huge fish. The larger the fish, the higher the mercury level. Excessive intake of mercury can cause chronic poisoning, and potentially damage the central nervous system, causing damage to brain function. Excessive intake of mercury in pregnant women may also affect the nervous system and brain development of the fetus.

So, is consuming deep sea fish helpful or harmful? Stay tune to our next newsletter, where we’ll discuss the issues of how to choose deep sea fish, and the recommended intake level.
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