基本上蛋白只含有水份和高質素蛋白質,而蛋黃含有的蛋白質不但與蛋白一樣,而且它還有能改善心血管健康的單元不飽和脂肪酸和奧米加3脂肪酸,及維他命A、D 和B12。這些維他命對眼睛健康、骨骼發育和製造紅血球都非常重要。
雞蛋的膽固醇全部來自蛋黃。一隻雞蛋(中型)含186亳克膽固醇,佔每日建議攝取量的上限六成,膽固醇含量的確不低。 不過,身體裡膽固醇主要都是由肝臟製造,食品中的膽固醇對我們血液裡的膽固醇水平只有很輕微的影響。真正把血液中的膽固醇水平推高的,是食品裡的飽和脂肪 (常見於動物脂肪如牛油、雞翼、腩肉等)。可是,一隻雞蛋只含少於2克飽和脂肪,不高於每日建議攝取量的十分之一。相反,它所含有的單元不飽和脂肪酸比飽和脂肪還要高! 因此,健康人士每星期最多可進食約五隻雞蛋,而患有心血管疾病或膽固醇偏高的人士每週則不應多於三隻。

A lot of people may think eating egg yolks will cause an elevation in blood cholesterol level and hence they will just eat the white. In fact, you are throwing away a lot of nutrition when you throw away the yolks.
Egg whites literally contain just water and high-quality protein. While the yolks contain almost as much protein as the white, they also contain the heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, and some other vitamins such as vitamin A, D, and B12. These vitamins are essential for maintaining good vision and healthy bones, and for the synthesis of red blood cells.
The cholesterol content in an egg comes entirely from the egg yolk. One medium-size egg has 186mg of cholesterol, which is nearly 60% of the upper limit of the daily recommended intake. However, most of the cholesterol in your body is synthesized in the liver, not from the foods we eat. The amount of dietary cholesterol has a fairly small impact on your blood cholesterol levels. The true thing in food that drives up the blood cholesterol levels is saturated fat. Yet, an egg yolk usually contains less than 2g of saturated fat, which is not even one-tenth of the upper limit of the daily recommended intake of saturated fat. There is in fact more heart-healthy monounsaturated fat in an egg yolk than saturated fat!
Therefore, healthy people can eat maximally 5 eggs per week, while people with cardiovascular diseases or hypercholesterolemia should limit their intake to no more than 3 eggs each week.
雞蛋(中型) Chicken Egg (Medium-size) |
鴨蛋 Duck Egg |
鵪鶉蛋 Quail Egg |
熱量(卡路里) Energy(kcal) |
63 |
130 |
14 |
總脂肪量(克) Total fat(g) |
4 |
10 |
1 |
總膽固醇(亳克) Total cholesterol(mg) |
186 |
619 |
76 |
飽和脂肪(克) Saturated fat(g) |
1 |
3 |
0 |
單元不飽和脂肪酸(克) Monounsaturated fat(g) |
1.7 |
4.6 |
0.4 |
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