
成人:綠藻蘊含珍貴的綠藻成長因子CVE™(Chorella Vulgaris Extract綠藻萃取物),有助調節體內血糖及血脂水平。服用綠藻有助平衡不良飲食習慣,降低患上心血管病、糖尿病等慢性疾病發生的風險。綠藻同時是豐富核酸來源,能幫助身體製造及修補損耗的細胞。另外綠藻含豐富胡蘿蔔素,因而具強大的抗氧化能力,能阻止自由基對細胞的破壞,發揮抗衰老功效。






In the feature on ‘Chlorella’ in our October’s E-newsletter, a list of advantages after taking this superfood has been covered. And we are going to explore more on Chlorella in this issue.

Adults: Chlorella Vulgaris Extract (CVE™) is a precious chlorella growth factor reduces body-fat percentage and blood glucose levels. It corrects any unbalanced diet and prevents a list of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart diseases etc. In addition, with the high level of nucleic acids, chlorella gives us strength to repair and rejuvenate our cell. Chlorella also has a high concentration of carotenoids, which is a strong anti-oxidants fight against free radicals. Therefore, taking chlorella can help all of us to fight against aging!

Kids: Are your kids picky on food sometimes? Chlorella is a “superfood” with abundant nutrients indispensible for kid’s growth, including proteins, vitamins and minerals. Vit-B12 is beneficial for kid’s mental and neurological health; Chlorella has even more Vit-B12 than cow’s liver contains! Moreover, CVE™ strengthens our immune system and helps to fight against viruses.

People suffered from chronic constipation: Chlorella is an abundant source of Chlorophyll and dietary fiber. Proven by various scientific researches, chlorella stimulates bowel movement and helps to excrete toxins from our body and restore regularity.

People suffered from allergy: Chlorophyll is a strong natural cleanser to remove toxins and soothe inflammation. CVE™ can also sedate body’s abnormal reaction to food, alleviating and improving allergy diseases.
How can we choose the best chlorella product? First of all, we have to check the real country of origin of the product. Nowadays, most of the Chlorella products are produced in Mainland China, Taiwan and Japan. Some products may claim to be “Made in Japan”, the culture stage, however, is very likely to be taken place in other countries. To ensure reliable quality of the product, you may choose those that are cultivated, manufactured and packed in GMP-certified factories in Japan.
Manufacturers may add binders, excipients, artificial colors and flavors to the product. A good product should be made with 100% pure and natural chlorella, you may check this out over the supplement facts. Finally, the effectiveness of chlorella product is mainly determined by manufacturer’s formula. In order to maximize efficiency, it is suggested to choose those products which are proven to be easily digested and absorbed by our body.
純正綠藻+CVE™ 含多種人體所需養份和礦物質。我們採用最天然成份,整個培植至生產過程均於日本經GMP認證之廠房進行,獲最佳品質保證。產品詳情可參閱本產品專頁,或致電熱線電話+852 2763 1488查詢。

Pure Chlorella+CVE™ is rich in nutrients which are essential for our body. It is produced from the purest ingredients with the finest & assured quality. Please visit our product page or call our enquiry hotline +852 2763 1488 for more details.
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